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October 2012 The Editors Letters I need to start this month’s rant by, I think, speaking for the vast majority of you out there about a recent tragedy. Sunday 2nd of September saw the sudden and untimely death of Gerry Vandenbergh (Gerry & Ange). As the news spread, the many who knew him were shocked and saddened by his passing. Later that day flowers were laid by his family and friends on Station Road. They were removed within 45 minutes of being left there! Sadness turns to loathing and hatred towards the perpetrators of this crime. The filth who did this remain anonymous and un-punished. You know who you are. I hope you get everything you deserve. And, if anyone out there unexpectedly received flowers on that Sunday evening, just ask again where they came from!. R.I.P. Gerry. On a much lighter note, and talking of anonymity. last month’s cover featured the lovely Miss Graves Park 1970. I didn’t know her identity; many others I asked were just as stumped but - all has been revealed. The lady in question was Susan Fairweather. Her Mum, Joyce, sent me a note some days ago solving one mystery, but left me with another. Above is a photograph, taken in the early 1960s, at Kirton Primary School. It features Susan (then 10 years old) second from the right at the front. On her left is Ann Kent. On the back row to the left is Chris Woods (later to be England’s goalie), in front if him Sara Burden whom he was to marry. But the others are a mystery: can anyone help us out? I take it that the trophies were a sports presentation but I don’t know for certain. Someone out there will know, I’m sure. By the way, the Heamaster at the time was a Mr. Darwood. So Autumn is with us; times of celebration on the horizon, and there’s lots for us to go at; Brass Band Concerts; the Black Bull Beer & Cider Festival; an Art exhibition, Flower Festival and Country Music in the church and a Harlem swing trio at Frampton - to name but a few. And don’t forget, there’s always plenty going on at Graves Park. Until next time, stay safe, keep smiling. Sam Everyone welcome to an evening of food, wine, music and art! On the 1st November, you can help save your church by supporting and enjoying the preview of an Art Exhibition at St Peter and Paul’s church in Kirton for just £5.00. All proceeds will go to urgent roof repairs, which are still showing a massive shortfall. The exhibition will be open for 3 days and showcase original art of many gifted local artists and craftspeople. Come along and maybe you will find a unique Christmas present for that special someone. Please support our church or we might lose it, including our excellent vicar, the Reverend Gary Morgan, and his wonderful wife, Paula. Homemade cakes, tea and coffee will be served daily. Preview evening 1st November 7-9.30 pm. Tickets at Fossitt & Thorne Village shop, or pay at the door. Opening hours for the exhibition: Friday November 2nd 10-5 pm. Saturday 3rd 10-5, Sunday 4th 12-4. Free entry Fri-Sun. For more information please contact Graham Timbrell on 01205 723762 or email: gtimbo989@aol.com
The Thomas Cowley High School As from 1st September 2012 The Thomas Cowley High School, founded in 1719, is no longer be controlled by Lincolnshire County Council but is independently funded directly by the Department for Education as an Academy. Becoming an Academy will give us more flexibility to be creative with our KS3 curriculum; it will enable us to use our resources in a more targeted way and give us the freedom to plan for the start of a Sixth Form. We will not be changing our name or our uniform. Moreover, being an Academy will not alter our philosophy or our core values. We will continue to be an inclusive, community school ensuring that all our students can be the best that they can be. With 51% of students gaining 5 x A*-C with English and Maths, we can yet again celebrate our GCSE performance. 81% of students gained a C or above in Mathematics which is an absolutely amazing result when you realise that the national average is 58%. 55% of students gained a C or above in English. I’m sure that you will be aware of the controversy over the marking of the English exams this year and we are appealing a large number of student results in English so we anticipate that percentage getting even higher. Science was above the national average with 64%. Similarly ICT was well above the national average of 75%, getting 82% grade C or above. 80% of students gained 5 x A*-C grades overall – which is sensational. The students performed extremely well across the whole year group. Apart from one student who spent the time on our roll but in another educational institution, every student in the year group gained at least 5 or more A*-G grades. Every single
Graves Park - the latest chapter The 1970s’ and 80s’ saw Graves Park at its glorious best (to date!). The Ridlington Room extension opened in 1974 marking decades of party-ing and celebration. The Club’s own archive is packed with photographs from this period. As well as family celebrations, christenings and wedding receptions there were New Years Eve Cabarets; Fancy Dress; Children’s Christmas parties; Veteran Cycle events. Caravan Rallies (the Easter meet of 1980 was graced by a snowfall!); Dances; Darts and Snooker tournaments. In October 1989 a snooker marathon raised over £1000 for Children In Need. For some reason, there also seems to have been a Toga Party! (You’ll know who you are!) And who of us resident in the village at the time can forget the hugely popular (and sadly missed) Bonfire Night Firework displays of the 80s and 90s. The pictures cover well over two decades but have a common theme which even I - only recently a ‘local’ - can easily grasp. Recognizable LOCAL faces and all lit up by genuine smiles and (oftentimes knowing, and cheeky) grins. All having a great time. Fund raising continued in earnest; the facility being constantly added to and improved. 1974 saw the opening of new changing rooms. The Childrens’ Play Area had its first major re-vamp in the 80s; another followed in ‘98 and a further in 2010. In 1992 the Social Club opened a new Table Tennis room and celebrated its Silver Jubilee. By way of a belated birthday present, two years later it purchased the playing field outright 25 years before the end of the lease. Half financed by the Committee, the balance was loaned by Batemans Brewery. That loan has now, longsince, been re-paid and The Committee and Social Club are now sole owners; “Ensuring that Graves Park will be a playing field for all time for the residents of Kirton and Frampton” However, another, darker theme runs through the archive. The ‘Standard’, May 1971: “Graves Park ‘Vigilante Patrol’ to stop hooligan raves in shelter” screamed the headline. Littering and wanton vandalism scarred an out building. 1993; the Social Club presented a cheque for £150 to Middlecott School to help fund a party of pupils trekking in Nepal as part of a Duke of Edinbugh Award. “The donation is a thank-you to the school for re-building a damaged rocking boat in the Park Play area. The presentation was made in the presence of Jack Hall and Norman Loveday who, amongst others, [REGULARLY] give up their time to repair vandalized equipment.” 1994; in the article about the purchase of the Playing Field:” “The Play Area is popular for youngsters but suffers from time to time through acts of vandalism.” As recent as this Spring, more damage was done forcing a temporary closure of the Play Area. That prompted the creation of this report; the Committee’s theory being that, if people knew how personal the facility was to ALL members of the village they might take a little more care of, what is ostensibly, their own stuff; and be more vigilant in protecting it! Since the turn of this century re-furbishment and improvement has been constant - and will be on-going. Sadly, gone are the Tennis Club and the last squib of a firework extinguished some years ago. Football is still played, as is snooker and table tennis; but not to the extent of former years. People still come; but not in such numbers. But it turned once, and can be turned again!! I wish we could have published all of the photographs of those happy, smiling, ruddy faces. Many of you would have recognized them; many would have recognized themselves; many happy memories stirred. All we have to do to raise those ghosts; to turn back on those lights; to turn up that disco; to restore those smiles, is call/text/e-mail your friends: dust off those glad rags, get off your sofas and walk back through that door. Simples (click)! Graves Park C.C. and mascot 1990 Sitting down to dinner Division III winners 86/7 Five stalwarts on duty New Years Eve N.Y.E. Cabaret 1984 Victorious Darts Team of '86 Kirton Kids ClubA new school year begins......It is always so nice to see the children in their fresh uniforms all keen to get back to their school friends and the younger children going into primary school for the first time - still a little apprehensive but eager to go find out what their new classes and teachers are like. I love to see the children over the years – how they progress and develop - it is a joy to see how they turn into ‘little people’ who become independent with their own personalities and ways. The Kids Club provides children with a stable environment before and after school, with lots to keep them happy and occupied. The fees are kept low to enable as many parents and carers possible to access it for their children. The club is a non profit making charity and we put everything we make into keeping the club up to date and a bright happy place to be for the children that use it. We received an excellent Ofsted report (found on the Ofted website). There are numerous games, toys, sports and activities on offer every session. And there is a wonderful outside space full of great things to do and get involved with. The children’s growing to eat project was a resounding success for our first effort. They enjoyed eating raspberries, garden peas, tomatoes and strawberries. Now they are busy setting up planters with pansy plants they have managed to grown themselves. The club offers children many arts and crafts with drawing, painting and making part of the daily planning for the sessions. Kirton Kids’ Club has been part of the village community for the last thirteen years. Offering parents and carers great value for money but children a great place to spend time before and after school as well as advertised holidays. Housed in the Youth Centre (next to the church) in the heart of Kirton village. We are now looking for helpers/volunteers who feel they have a skill or knowledge they would like to share with the children. If you feel you fit the bill – please contact us by email kkc09@live.co.uk or call us on 07583762072. If you wish to book places or want a look around the club please contacts us again by mail or phone. For more information please go to www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or follow the link via the school website. Home Start, Boston Every year Home-Start - the UK’s leading family support charity and an organisation valued and trusted by families and professional alike - helps thousands of families in hundreds of local communities across the UK, including the local scheme here in Boston. Home-Start is committed to promoting the welfare of families by offering informal, friendly support and practical help to parents with at least one child under the age of five. Volunteers (who are parents themselves) provide informal, friendly support and practical help to families in their own homes and within Family Groups. At the request of parents locally Home-Start Boston are delighted to have received funding from the Big Lottery to start a new group aimed specifically at expectant parents, new parents and their young babies (aged up to “pre-walkers”!) Sessions are free and will offer parents a safe and welcoming environment to share their experiences and the ups and downs a new baby can bring. There is a soft play area for babies and staff and volunteers will be on hand to offer support where required. Parents can relax a little, have a cuppa and chat with other parents. Bumps & Babes is in addition to the popular Family Group sessions held on a Tuesday morning at the Youth Centre Kirton for parents with children up to school age. For further information please telephone Karen Reid – Organiser, at Home-Start Boston on 01205 311801 / 311701. BuMps & BAbes
What is Alpha?
Churches together in Kirton are running a new 10 week Alpha Course starting on Friday 28th September 2012. 7.00pm. Hosted by New Life Fellowship, The Junction, Wash Road, Kirton. PE20 1QJ. To book your place please phone: 01205 369936 or 07985 149607. Everyone is welcome.
Sutterton Surgery Society 200 Club
If there are difficulties for members getting to the surgery please inform staff and your subscriptions can be collected from your home. For Non Members there is a waiting list to join our 200 Club names can be added to this list in the Surgery Reception. A big thank you to all our members for your support. August 2012 Winners
The Royal British Legion The Chairman would like to invite all members and the general public to attend the annual general meeting of the said Branch on Tuesday 9th October 2012 at 19.30 at Kirton Leisure Centre, Willington Road, Kirton. The election of committee member will be held and the auditor’s report will be voted on. Discussions will be held on the future of the branch and activities for the coming year. New members are always needed and welcomed from all members of society even if you haven’t been a member if the armed forces you are also most welcomed. If you wish to discuss anything prior to the meeting please contact me on 01205 722389. The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
DonationsThe magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-
Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), |